Wydarzenia z dnia

18 maja 2021

2 wyników

Konferencja prasowa KREW - Lek. Wartość. Zasób. Aktualne wyzwania i potrzeby związane z przetoczeniami krwi w chorobach przewlekłych

Szanowni Państwo,
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Iwona Hus w imieniu Polskiego Towarzystwa Hematologów i Transfuzjologów serdecznie zaprasza na konferencję prasową online z okazji publikacji raportu pt. KREW - Lek. Wartość. Zasób. Aktualne wyzwania i potrzeby związane z przetoczeniami krwi w chorobach przewlekłych opracowanego przez Polskie Towarzystwo Hematologów i Transfuzjologów.
W spotkaniu moderowanym przez red. Iwonę Schymallę wezmą udział znamienici goście:
  • Prof. dr hab. n. med. Iwona Hus, Prezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Hematologów  i Transfuzjologów (PTHiT) Kierownik Oddziału Chorób Układu Chłonnego Kliniki Hematologii IHiT Kierownik Zakładu Transplantologii Klinicznej UM w Lublinie
  • Prof. dr. hab. Piotr M. Radziwon, Konsultant Krajowy ds. Transfuzjologii
  • Prof. dr. hab. Grzegorz Basak, Kierownik Katedry i Kliniki Hematologii, Transplantologii i Chorób Wewnętrznych CSK UCK WUM
  • dr n. med. Bożena Katarzyna Budziszewska, Konsultant Wojewódzki w dziedzinie hematologii dla województwa mazowieckiego, Członek Zarządu PTHiT, Kierownik Oddziału Diagnostyki Hematologicznej Kliniki Hematologii IHiT
  • dr n. med. Krzysztof Mądry, Adiunkt w Katedrze i Klinice Hematologii, Transplantologii i Chorób Wewnętrznych CSK UCK WUM
Konferencja odbędzie się 18 maja 2021 r. (wtorek), godz. 14:30.
2021-05-18 14:30:00

Priorities and challenges in Polish and European drug policy (Termedia)

On behalf of the Scientific Board we are pleased to invite you to cooperate and participate in the 1st edition of the international conference “Priorities and challenges in Polish and European drug policy”. The main topic will be priority areas and challenges for drug policy and pharmacotherapy in Poland and Europe. This is a unique opportunity to exchange knowledge in an international group of healthcare experts and distinguished clinicians.
Due to the prevailing pandemic, the conference will be held online on 17-18 May 2021.
On the first day, we have planned international panels, inviting healthcare experts, members of the European Parliament and representatives of international patient organisations. We will discuss the drug policy, the reimbursement system and the drug safety of individual member states of the European Union. We will debate breakthrough therapies and the most innovative technologies that address societal needs and global challenges. We would like to cover the following topics:
- Plan for drug safety in Europe,
- How to effectively reimburse breakthrough therapies in neurology, oncology, rare diseases and lifestyle diseases – European examples,
- The focus on the cancer patient – examples of best practices in patient care,
- European systems of care for patients with lifestyle diseases,
- Medicines access challenge – The value of pricing and reimbursement policies.
The second day of the conference will be devoted entirely to the drug policy in Poland in selected therapeutic areas with a discussion of the challenges faced by the Ministry of Health. The panels will comprise clinicians and healthcare experts. We are particularly counting on the participation of decision-makers from the Ministry of Health, the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System and the National Health Fund as the discussions will be directly related to the Polish reality.

Different countries' healthcare systems have different drug reimbursement policies and drug policy priorities. Additionally, millions of patients around the world cannot benefit from innovative treatments. Access to medicines (or as recently global access to the COVID-19 vaccine) is still a challenge of the 21st century. The entire community, including decision-makers, should strive to sustainably and fully meet the needs of patients, reduce costs, highlight and subsidise innovation, and support the development of breakthrough therapies in pharmacy. In our opinion, it is precisely the drug policy of countries that is crucial to meet the challenges of access to medicines and treatments, including life-saving treatments.

The involvement of distinguished Polish and European experts in the conference will facilitate a multi-level discussion and create an opportunity to develop key solutions to meet local and global needs in drug policy. 
2021-05-18 09:00:00